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Title: A Whole New Me

Author: Adrianna Schuh

Published: 1st of May 2020

Format: Ebook – 180 pages

Hello Hello! How are you?

Today I’m bringing you a brand new #blogtour on my blog today. I’ve been following Adrianna on Twitter for quite a while and I’ve had my eye on her book, so when she asked if people would be interested in reading and reviewing her book for a blog tour I was quick to say yes! This blog tour was hosted by Skye from Books in the Skye. I’ve been excited about this book all month and when I finally sat down to read it I had a good time!

Thank you to Adrianna and Skye for letting me participate in this book tour and for sending me the book. All opinions are my own!


A Whole New Me is a standalone friends to lovers romance.

Tessa has something to prove and she wants to use Ricky to do it. She’s not surprised when he agrees to her friends with benefits plan, but she is surprised when it seems like Ricky wants more than she’s willing to give. Can she keep Ricky without giving him hope for something more? Because Tessa won’t let this be love.


A Whole New Me by Adrianna Schuh is a contemporary adult romance book about a girl who goes to college to follow her boyfriend but after he breaks up with her as soon as she arrives, she feels the need to prove herself and seeks just the perfect guy to do so. This was an original blurb and I was quite excited to read it.

My honest first reaction when reading this book was that it sort of reminded me of a reversed version of After by Anna Todd, maybe it has something to do with the main characters having the same name in both books, but I was definitely getting those types of vibes, but it wasn’t twisted as I’ve heard After being described.

I really liked the characters once I got to know them, but at the start, I did struggle a bit with Tessa, it seemed like she didn’t have a personality and all of a sudden she had a really big one and I wasn’t expecting that big of a contrast between the before and after. I loved Ricky right from the start though and I think he did a lot to help Tessa become her true self.

I have to say that if you don’t like smutty, steamy romance books, you’re probably not going to like this one because it is quite explicit and graphic. I don’t personally mind this and it wasn’t ever too overwhelming and it went well with the rest of the plot.

One thing that I think may have let this book down a bit was the pace, it was a bit too fast for my liking and I think that things could have been slowed down a little bit to get to know the characters more and see their relationship develop because it felt quite fast and maybe even a bit forced to me. The book is only 180 pages-long so it really doesn’t take a long time to read it, but I think that I would really have enjoyed having a bit more information about the characters, see them a bit more together before they were together basically. It did feel a bit rushed and convenient for my liking, but otherwise, it was an enjoyable, quick, cute romance.


Overall, I did enjoy this book. I was a little bit disappointed because I was expecting a bit more, maybe more character development and I think that for my own personal liking, the plot just flew away and was a bit too quick and I would have liked it to be slowed down so we could appreciate what was happening instead of literally flying through this book at breakneck speed.

The characters were relatable but as I have said, I really missed knowing more about them. I gave this book 3.5 stars, I really enjoyed it, but I would have loved a bit more. I recommend this to romance fans, and I think that it’s definitely more on the adult side of things because of the sexual content.

Thank you so much to Adrianna and Skye for letting me take part in this tour and sending me the book. It was a nice reading experience and I look forward to reading the other blogger reviews!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this review, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx

3.5 star rating


Adrianna is a 27-year-old wife, mommy, book lover, and librarian. She has a deep love for romance books and an unhealthy obsession with iced tea. She can quote almost any Disney movie, she’s in love with Kylo Ren, and she lives for Harry Potter. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves spending time at home with her son, husband, 5 cats, and one tiny dog.

Adrianna’s links: TwitterInstagramYouTubeGoodreadsBlog

If you would like to purchase this book, you can find it here: Amazon UK (affiliate link) – Amazon FR (affiliate link) – Amazon US


  1. I’m not normally one for contemporary reads but I need to branch out more. Perhaps give this a go. It sounds like an easy read – which is exactly what I’m looking for atm 🙂

  2. Great review! 180 pages do not seem enough to truly develop the characters. I like novellas occasionally, but like you, I prefer more complex development. Thanks for sharing 😉

    1. I do to, I’m more of a 300 page up type of girl aha! It was a good short book though, thank you 😊

  3. Seems like a shorter story so complex development wouldn’t be something that could take place in that time, which I usually enjoy as well. Thanks for sharing.
    ♥ Mae

    1. Yes, that’s why I gave it a bit of a lower rating because I was expecting a bit more, you’re welcome! 💕

  4. I’ve been following Adrianna for quite a while so I’m planning to read this at some point. I think I’ll just set aside a day and read it in one sitting since you said it goes by fast.

  5. I find that sometimes shorter romance stories don’t have as much character development as I would like. I enjoy friends to lovers romance so I might set aside sometime to read this. Thanks for sharing Ellie!

    1. Yeah, I prefer more complex plots and this one sort of just happened you know? You should give it a shot! You’re welcome!

  6. Personally I think that 180 pages most of the times is not enough to get a good character & plot development. However, this seems like a very interesting read and i’m a big fan of romances!

    1. I don’t think so either, I’m used to longer books so it was a bit of a let down and I was expecting a touch more detail maybe! You should give it a try!

  7. I agree that if the book had been longer, it probably could have fixed some of those character development issues but overall it sounds interesting! I’m like you thought, I always pick out longer/complicated books so I like when things are SUPER detailed!

  8. Romance isn’t my go to genre but I like to mix one in every once in awhile. Nice review!

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