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Hello Hello! How are you?

I was going to say Happy Monday but Mondays are not happy, so Iā€™ll just have to say: Happy final day of November before December šŸ˜‡ (and yes I think I drank too much coffee this morning aha).           

I would say Iā€™m surprised that itā€™s December tomorrow, but frankly, Iā€™m not because this year has been strange and Iā€™m so glad itā€™s soon coming to a close. Going into writing this post I honestly have no idea whatā€™s going to be on here but Iā€™m not going to be reading any thesis books because I have a lot of papers to finish and hand in for university and itā€™s going to take me all my time. But come Christmas, Iā€™m laying on my sofa with a mountain of books and Iā€™m not coming out before I finish them all mouahaha!

On to the December TBR!

Buddy Reads

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton  

The Devil and the Dark Water

Iā€™m reading this book with a big bunch of the amazing The Write Reads gang over on Twitter. Hannah set up a little book club for us and we have read 2 books for it so far. I was so happy when this book won the poll because I was completely captivated by Kateā€™s review of it that you can find here. Iā€™m really excited to read it, and as you can see, December is a Turton month.

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Iā€™ve already started this book, in fact, Iā€™m currently buddy reading it with Candyce and we are just over halfway through, but since Iā€™m going to read a whole chunk of it in December, I thought Iā€™d add it to the TBR. Iā€™ve been enjoying reading this book and see things unravel, I donā€™t 100% get the hype for it just because I think itā€™s one of those books that wow you right at the end, but Iā€™m ready for it and itā€™s definitely really fun to read and discuss.

Clockwork Princess (#3 The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I are finally jumping back into the Shadowhunter world this month! We had a little break from reading these books as we were so busy and wanted to blast through NaNoWriMo, but it’s time to get back to the books. I have been enjoying The Infernal Devices more than The Mortal Instruments and I’m really looking forward to finishing the series and seeing how everything ties up. The Shadowhunter Saturday post will be up at the end of the month and if you want to find out more about it, you can read my announcement here.

ARCs, Blog Tours and Netgalley Books

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

Yes, I am still reading this book (please send help lol). Iā€™ve got a lot of papers to give in at the end of the month, but once Iā€™m on ā€œholidayā€ (I say that lightly because with French universities you are never on holiday), Iā€™m going to do my best to finish it and get a review of it up before the year is over because Iā€™ve been reading it since September. Itā€™s really good, thatā€™s not the problem, itā€™s just MASSIVE and heavy and Iā€™ll get to it soon I promise!

Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston

Amari and the Night Brothers

Iā€™m reading this book for the blog tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads and when he told me about this book I couldnā€™t say no. Iā€™ve loved reading more middle grade books this year, and this one sounds amazing. I absolutely love the cover and some bloggers on the tour have already read it and loved it. Iā€™m going to pick it up as soon as I can.

The Obsidian Mask by Caroline Ludovici

The Obsidian Mask

I was sent an ARC of this book by the author and it has taken me a really long time to get to it, but I marked it in my calendar and Iā€™m going to try to stick to that date. I honestly canā€™t remember the blurb, and I want to go in blind, but I think I remember thinking that it was surely going to be fun, so Iā€™m intrigued to get to it aha.

Sparrow Alone by Mim Eichmann

A Sparrow Alone

Iā€™m also reading this book for a blog tour organised by @The_WriteReads. Itā€™s a bit different to the usual books he features, but I adore historical fiction and I want to squeeze in as many as I can this year as Iā€™ve been loving them. Again, I canā€™t really remember the blurb but it definitely sounded good enough for me to want to read, so Iā€™m going to, and Iā€™m excited. Iā€™m scheduled to read this right at the end of the year so looking forward to it.

Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels

I just posted my Hype-A-Thon Readathon monthly post a few days ago where I talk all about our monthly theme for December. You can go check it out here if you wish. We are going to be reading 3 Christmassy books for #MerryDecember, and here they are!

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol

Iā€™ve had this classic book on my shelves for years, and I have no idea why I havenā€™t read it because Iā€™ve seen multiple adaptations and enjoyed them. Iā€™ve also seen a lot of the BBC adaptations of other Charles Dickens works and they are among my favourite films Iā€™ve ever watched, granted, I donā€™t watch many but they stayed with me. Noly has already read it so Iā€™m going to be reading it alone or she might join me and reread it herself, in any case, Iā€™m excited!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

This is a tiny little book that we picked for the Hype-A-Thon and I didnā€™t realise until the parcel got here and I never expected a book to be inside ahah! I love the Grinch film and Horton hears a Who (I think thatā€™s the title lol), so I already know these characters and whatā€™s going to happen, but I canā€™t wait to read it.

Letters from Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien

Letters from Father Christmas

Noly picked this book and I have to say, Iā€™m glad she did because I had been wondering whether to pick it up or not for ages. We read another Tolkien book this year and it was a bit of a struggle to get through because of the many details and waffling, but Iā€™m holding out hope that this one is going to be less of a drag, and itā€™s about Father Christmas and Christmas letters with Christmas cheer and festive vibes. So what can go wrong?


Iā€™m reading a lot of books in December for Readathons and Book Clubs apparently ā€¦. Oops? Haha. The poll on the Middle Grade Marvel book club Twitter was a bit of a surprise when I saw that 2 books came in joint first and because I canā€™t say no to books and even less to middle grade ones, well Iā€™m reading both!

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)

The first Middle Grade Marvels BOTM is this one. It has been in and out of polls four times already I think and Iā€™m SO GLAD that it was finally picked. Sammie from The Bookwyrmā€™s Den loves this book and nominated it right at the start of our book club. The blurb just pulls me in every time and the cover is gorgeous. Iā€™ve not read many books (if any, which Iā€™m ashamed to say) with African myths and gods, so I am very ready for this and canā€™t wait to dive in.  

Winterling by Sarah Prineas

Winterling (Winterling, #1)

Finally, we are also going to be reading this book as an MGM BOTM. This one sounds really Christmassy or wintery, the blurb was another one that drew me in and Iā€™m glad that this one won as well. Iā€™m looking forward to it.


Other books

I donā€™t think I have any other books to read in December, except obviously my last two BBNYA books that Iā€™m going to read this week. I canā€™t tell you anything about these yet, but Iā€™ll have reviews up about them in the new year and I canā€™t wait to see who wins this yearā€™s competition.

If I have forgotten any books from my TBR, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll remember to read them and add them to my December Wrap-Up at the start of January! Talking of January, Iā€™m going to be starting a sort of TBR Game in 2021 and the first month is going to be so fun and special, so Iā€™m really looking forward to it! Keep your eyes open for a post all about it at the end of December!

Thatā€™s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, tell me all about the books youā€™re going to be reading in December!

See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx  


    1. Thank you Kerri, I’m getting there slowly aha! It’s good so far (just a big MASSIVE) lol! šŸ™‚

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