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Hello Hello! How are you?

I can’t believe that it’s nearly already the weekend and that my half-term break is nearly already over *sobs*, but I’m very relieved that France has gone back into lockdown and that universities are all now online, it’s a big weight off my shoulders as it was starting to get to me.

This week has been fairly busy, both on the blog and behind the scenes, I felt like I haven’t actually slept for a few days (I have but I don’t feel like I have) but at least I am being a little bit productive! Anyway, I’m happy to be back for my weekly Down the TBR Hole post, and I haven’t done any damage yet, but it could very easily go bad if I start looking at the screenshots of books on my phone, so I’ll try to wait until I’ve got rid of all the undesirables before I wreak havoc again!

You know the drill if you haven’t ever read any of my Down the TBR Hole posts before but you want to find out why I started and what rules to follow to do your own TBR list purge on your Goodreads, head over to the first edition of this post to find out more!

This week’s post is starting with a total of 3,745 books on my Goodreads “Want to Read” list, which is exactly where I stopped last week, phew. I’ll be going through the next 20 books on my list, starting at #309.



The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda

The Last House Guest

I am starting this week off with a mystery, and funnily enough, I’ve been in a right mystery mood lately, and apparently, it’s a Reese Witherspoon book club pick too! The first part of the blurb really didn’t draw me in but once I got to the end, it sounded a lot more promising, I’m not sure this is the type of mystery that I necessarily love, but I think I still want to give it a shot!



Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering

Tell Me Lies

I have seen this book around for ages and other than knowing it was a romance, I have no idea what this one is about! I think I might have read this when I was younger, but I really do not fancy a story with a toxic relationship, so I’m going to cut this one loose.



Charlotte Walsh Likes To Win by Jo Piazza

Charlotte Walsh Likes To Win

I’ve never actually seen this book before and it’s Women’s Fiction and political fiction, which is not my cup of tea at all. I’ve only read a few lines in this blurb and I just don’t think I’m going to enjoy it, so this is an easy choice.



The Elizas by Sara Shepard

The Elizas

The reason I added this book to my list was because Sara Shepard is the author of the Pretty Little Liars series, which is actually one of my favourite TV shows, and I have read a few of the books and enjoyed them, so I thought that this one would be good too! It sounds fairly cool, so I want to give it a try!



The First Mistake by Sandie Jones

The First Mistake

This is a thriller and I don’t even have to read the blurb, it says it’s a domestic suspense and I just can’t get on with books like this one. There is something about the whole wife, husband, secrets vibe that I don’t like in thrillers, so I’m not going to bother.



Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

Lock Every Door

Ohh, I have had this book on my TBR for a few years and I feel like Riley Sager is a really popular author, he actually just released a new book that looks really good! I added this book to my list after seeing it all over social media, it’s a thriller and you know it’s not a genre I read a lot of, but this blurb drew me in, I didn’t know if I should read it or not, but I don’t have that many thrillers on my list, so I think I need to give it a try!



Our Little Secret by Roz Nay

Our Little Secret

Another unknown-to-me book! It kind of sounds interesting, but not the type of mystery that I enjoy, I suppose this would be a good book if I liked more thriller type stories, but I’m a murder mystery with an actual body and police investigation (I mean it’s kind of like this but also not at all the same thing), so I’m going to remove it!



The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Rouda

The Favourite Daughter

Another book that is unknown to me and this time it’s a mystery yet again, so I think I’m on a mystery/thriller bandwagon this week. It actually hasn’t happened much before I don’t think, so I hope I can find a few good sounding books! Unfortunately, the first lines of the blurb say it’s a psychological suspense, it’s not my cup of tea, so I’m getting rid of it.



The Husband Hour by Jamie Brenner

The Husband Hour

I’m a bit worried because this looks like a psychological thriller. But I’m actually wrong and it’s women’s fiction, which is even worse for me, oops. Yep, this isn’t my thing at all, so I’m going to let it go!



The Bucket List by Georgia Clark

The Bucket List

I think we have moved on to women’s fiction and chick-lit, which is a genre I don’t think I ever read. I don’t think this sounds like something I would enjoy reading, so I’m going to get rid of this one too.



What You Don’t Know About Charlie Outlaw by Leah Stewart

What You Don't Know About Charlie Outlaw

This is contemporary fiction, so I have a mix of genres in the post today, and I’ve not heard of or seen this book either! I don’t like books with celebrities and I have realised that today I’m sounding really picky, but I’m tired and I can’t deal with books that don’t sound good, so this is going off the list!



Marriage Vacation by Pauline Turner Brooks

Marriage Vacation

This is another unknown to me women’s fiction and just reading the first few lines of the synopsis, I can tell that yet again, it’s not going to be a book for me.



The Glitch by Elisabeth Cohen

The Glitch

Well, what do you know? Another unknown-to-me book and this time it’s a contemporary fiction. It sounds like something I would absolutely hate, so I’m not even going to bother reading the whole blurb!



Love Will Tear Us Apart by Holly Seddon

Love Will Tear Us Apart

I feel like I’ve heard of this book before or at least seen it, but I don’t think it’s going to be my thing. Now that I’ve read the blurb, I think it sounds really weird actually, so I won’t be keeping it on my list.



With You Always by Rena Olsen

With You Always

I’ve never seen this book before (I should really stop being so honest because it’s making me look ridiculous), but it’s a thriller and it’s actually psychological suspense, and I don’t even want to know what it’s about *hides*.



The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon

The Neighbors

This is a thriller that I’ve not seen before and I don’t want to pick this one up either, it does sound fairly interesting, but this time, it’s more of a case of not being in the mood for this kind of book. I might add it again later, but for now, I’m taking it off the list.



Someone Knows by Lisa Scottoline

Someone Knows

This week’s post is really short because I have literally nothing to say about some of the books on my list. This is another psychological thriller and there is no point me reading the blurb or giving it a try because it’s not a genre I get on well with.



Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton

Social Creature

This is another book that I have no interest in reading, so I’m going to keep it short and take it off my list.



The Choke by Sofie Laguna

The Choke

This is a cultural fiction book set in Australia, and although it does sound interesting and I think that I might read it one day, but it doesn’t sound like something that would keep my attention at the minute, so I’m going to let it go.



The Proof of Love by Catherine Hall

The Proof of Love

Ohh! To finish this week, we have a historical fiction, I hope it’s going to sound good! Hmmm… the blurb is very vague and other than the setting and the time period, I don’t really know what this book is about, which is a shame, but I don’t feel like reading it!



Well, this wasn’t the best week I’ve ever had, but I was still able to get rid of quite a few books, especially some weird, obscure and not-at-all-my-cup-of-tea books. Out of the 20 books I went through today, I was able to remove a total of 17 books, which I think is actually my record!!

I’m now down to a total of 3,728 books on my “Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf and I’ll be starting next week’s purge post at #313.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I always love reading what you keep on your list versus getting rid of. I feel like we (readers in general) add a lot of books to our list to read then never end up reading most of them.
    ♥ Mae

    1. Thank you so much! That’s so true but I like that I was crazy and added sooooo many because it’s helped me discover some titles I probably never would have! 😉

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