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Hello Hello! How are you?

I can’t believe it’s the last day of June tomorrow, I have no idea where this month went, I feel like I haven’t done such a good job with my reading this month, but hopefully, I can turn that around in July. I’m so close to already reaching my Goodreads goal of 100 books this year, I would usually push the number up a bit if I think I can manage more, but this year, for the sake of it, I’m going to leave it as it is and see how many books I can read over the goal.

Again, like my June TBR, my July TBR isn’t going to be that long. I don’t have many blog tours this month, so I’m going to be able to focus on some more author requests, NetGalley books and most importantly, my own massive physical TBR hehe!!

I’m not going to put any NetGalley or author requests on this TBR I don’t think, I don’t want to give myself much pressure and feel like letting my moods choose the books for me if and when I want, but I’m going to try to roll with the other books I have to read and see what else I can accomplish during the month of July (and I will pray that it won’t reach 48°C like it did last year).

The Coffee Break Book Club is on a hiatus for July and possibly for the next month too, so that takes a bit of pressure off my TBR, I will still be reading the Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels books, so stay tuned to find out what gems I’m going to be tackling this month!

On to the July TBR!

Buddy Read

City of Ashes and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

This month, Fiona from Fi’s Bibliofiles and I will be continuing City of Ashes and starting City of Glass for our Shadowhunter Saturday posts and mission to read all the Shadowhunter books. If you haven’t seen our announcements, head over to Fiona’s post to read all about it or check out the one I did. We both really enjoyed City of Bones, the first book in this first trilogy, and you can read my review and Fiona’s thoughts, and Fiona’s review and my thoughts on this book! I’m really looking forward to books 2 and 3!

Blog Tours

The Bone Jar by S.W. Kane

The Bone Jar

I’m so glad that I’ve been able to broaden my horizons with the various blog tours I have participated in, I’m going to be taking a step back from most of these as the new university year approaches, but when I read the blurb for this book I couldn’t let this chance pass me by. I am really enjoying mysteries at the moment, especially ones with detectives and police trying to unravel murders and the addition of the asylum in this book makes me think of Pretty Little Liars for some reason (I know I have weird references). It sounds like I’m going to really enjoy it so I have high expectations!

In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton

In the Neighborhood of True

I’ll be participating in my second blog tour for Algonquin Young Readers, I get so excited when I receive emails about upcoming blog tours from them and most of their books are really enticing. The thing that drew me in for this one is that it is YA historical fiction and this will probably be a surprise, but I don’t recall ever reading a YA hist.fic. before, so I’m very curious. It seems like a really interesting book with some important topics, I’m excited to start it.

Knightmare Arcanist (#1 Frith Chronicles) by Shami Stovall

Knightmare Arcanist (Frith Chronicles, #1)

Of course, I couldn’t have a month without a blog tour organised by The Write Reads, could I? I love, love, love the books that Dave features on his tours if you haven’t participated in one yet I urge you to check him out! Obviously, I’ll always say yes when fantasy is concerned, but this book sounds so original with the plot about becoming an arcanist and bonding with a magical creature, who doesn’t want that to happen to them? I know my fantasy-loving-self does!

The Secret of Creek Cottage by Tina M. Edwards

I originally wasn’t going to sign up for this blog tour, but I can’t say no to historical fiction can I? It sounds like a really nice book, I’m not expecting too much but something drew me to it, so I’m hoping to enjoy it!

The Colonel and the Bee by Patrick Canning

The Colonel and the Bee

This is the second book I’ve picked to review from Book Sirens, it’s science fiction steampunk, it’s going to be my first time delving into this sub-genre and I’m very excited. I’ve had this on my radar since I saw it on the website a few months ago and decided to go for it. This is giving me massive Indiana Jones and National Treasure vibes, which are two of my favourite film series ever, I love adventure quests and mysteries, I’m really looking forward to it, I’m sure it’s going to be great just like the last ARC I read from Book Sirens!

Wolf: A Story of Hate by Zeev and Ella Scheinwald

Wolf: A Story of Hate

You may have seen my review of Searching for Home: The Impact of WWII on a Hidden Child by Joseph Gosler, Liesbeth from Amsterdam Publishers was so kind to not only send me that book for review, but also this one. This one seems very different from past books I’ve read from this publisher, it’s about a Jewish man who is imprisoned in a labour camp, it sounds like it’s going to be a hard read, but definitely an impactful one and I’m really looking forward to this experience.

I’m possibly going to tackle a few author requests if I’m able and also try to read at least one NetGalley book because my review ratio is disgraceful. I’m definitely going to let myself have some “mood read” picks this month, so I’ll just see what I feel like at the time. I might end up reading some books from my challenge TBRs, or I might just give in a binge the Twilight books with Noly again while we wait for Midnight Sun to be published (eeeek!). I also feel like I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with the Fairyloot books I’ve received recently, so I might just pick one of those! Oh the choice is so hard lol.

Hype-A-Thon Readathon and Middle Grade Marvels

Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows (#1) by J.M. Bergen

Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows (The Elandrian Chronicles #1)

This month we are going to be reading two books for Middle Grade Marvels, and our first one is an author request that Noly has organised for our members! I nearly screamed when she told us about it, it’s so exciting! Sure it sounds like Harry Potter, but that’s not about to stop me from reading this book, I’m sure it’s going to be a great read and I’m looking forward to our discussions.

If you missed the information about this book club, you can find my official announcement here, as well as the announcement for the July Books of the Month. You can also find all the relevant information in the pinned tweet on the Middle Grade Marvels Twitter.

The Jumbies (#1) by Tracey Baptiste

The Jumbies (The Jumbies #1)

We decided to start reading some more diverse books starting in July, and we are so excited to be reading Jumbies! It’s got Caribbean folklore and it’s a spooky horror fantasy, I’m so looking forward to it, and the best bit is that none of our members have read either of these books yet, so it’s going to be so cool reading them at the same time! We are going to be reading diverse books every other month, so if you have any great Middle Grade diverse recommendations, please tell me about them in the comments or feel free to nominate them in this form!

You have probably seen my Hype-A-Thon Readathon monthly post by now, and you will know that we completely failed #JourneyJune (again). However, we are determined to finish The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and start and complete Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne and Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. Both Noly and I are really looking forward to finishing them and going on loads of adventures while we read, so wish us luck!

I feel like this is a really great list, it doesn’t have too many books, so I can at least endeavour to read them all, but I feel that it leaves me room to read some books I feel like reading, bingeing on Twilight, starting a big book (you all know I’ve got many of those to get through). I can’t wait to see how I do in July and I’m really excited for this reading month!

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what you will be reading in July. See you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’m reading the Knightmare Arcanist now. It totally sucks you in from the beginning. I’m expecting it to be another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read 😊

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