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Hello Hello! How are you all?

This week is my week I’m doing face-to-face learning back at uni, so my week has been very busy and filled with stress. Thankfully, I only have two more days to go and then I get to follow classes online until the 8th of March when I have to go back again!

This week I’ve been exhausted and haven’t gotten much reading done, but I still have a lot of books to talk to you about, so keep on reading for me and remember to tell me about your week and current reads in the comments!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.

WWW Wednesday is based on 3 questions:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Aether Ones by Wendi Coffman-Porter

Aether Ones

I was supposed to finish this for a tour organised by Dave from @The_WriteReads on Saturday, but I’m afraid that even 70% through I have no idea what is going on. I was exhausted last week while I was reading it, and I think this is on me, so I did a spotlight for the tour, and I will try to pick this up, maybe start over again and see what I think of it a second time around because I remember really enjoying the parts I wasn’t flummoxed over.

Rivers of London (#1 Rivers of London) by Ben Aaronovitch

Rivers of London (Rivers of London, #1)

The TWR Gang is still reading this amazing book and we only have one section left. I am going to pick this up tonight or tomorrow night and hopefully finish it for our discussion this weekend. A lot happened in the second part of the book and I found everything to be so enjoyable. We learn so much more about the magic system, the characters, London, the Rivers, it’s just fantastic. I also love the humour still and I am sure this is a series I will thoroughly enjoy reading with my TWR buddies.

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (#1 Through the Fairy Door) by Estelle Grace Tudor

Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key (Through The Fairy Door, #1)

The Middle Grade Marvels book club only have one tiny section of this book left and I have to admit that I have a lot of thoughts on this one. I was really enjoying it, but about halfway through I started to notice that the pacing just was not adding up. For instance, there is a scene where, in the space of one single page about 4 things happen, including travelling quite a fair distance and that just did not add up for me. I really think this book could have benefitted from an extra 100 pages, I know it’s middle grade and aimed at the younger side of the bracket, but I just need more information, less rushing and just more basically. Otherwise, I’m really enjoying the plot and I hope that the last section will answer my questions.

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys

Again, another book I only have a tiny section of. I have been enjoying reading this book so much with the TWR Gang book club and I have loved our discussions and theories. We are at a point in the book now where everything seems to be happening and I hope that my questions will be answered and everything will be tied up nicely. I’m loving Yadriel, Maritza and Julian, as well as the culture, the magic system, the food and the plot. I can’t wait to pick up the final part of this!

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

The Thursday Murder Club (Thursday Murder Club, #1)

I’ve just started this book with Stephen, and it is honestly really good. I knew I was going to enjoy it when we decided on this buddy read, but I didn’t think it would be this funny. It’s kind of the subtle funniness that you can definitely miss, but this one had me laughing out loud a few times. I’m really intrigued about the characters and the events transpiring, I can’t wait to pick up the next part of this book tonight.

The Conductors by Nicole Glover

The Conductors

I also just started this book and I LOVE IT. This one is publishing on the 2nd of March and I want to get my ARC review up as soon as possible. I have a feeling I’ll have a lot to say about it. I’ve only read a few chapters so far, but I already love the magic system. The characters and the setting seem intriguing, as does the plot. I just feel like this is a book for me, you know the feeling? I can’t wait to be able to pick this up again and read on.

Marrow Charm (#1 The Gate Cycle) by Kristin Jacques

Marrow Charm (The Gate Cycle, #1)

The last book I’m currently reading at the moment is one for a BBNYA #blogtour organised by @The_WriteReads tour team and I know this is one a lot of people enjoying during the competition last year. I’ve not read much, but I’m going to get this finished tonight as my spot is tomorrow. From what I have read so far, I’m really enjoying it!

I haven’t finished reading anything since my post last week, but I’m getting to the end of quite a few reads, so hopefully this time next week I’ll have more to talk to you about!

The Murder on the Links (#2 Hercule Poirot) by Agatha Christie

The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot, #2)

As soon as I finish the tour book for tomorrow, I’m going to be jumping into this one because we are supposed to be discussing it this week, and I still haven’t read it yet – oops. I know that I get through the Hercule Poirot mysteries really quickly though, so I’m hoping that it’s good, that I will be engaged and immersed enough to finish it in a few hours!

Anoka by Shane Hawk


And the final book on my list for today is a horror short story collection that I accepted as an author request. I don’t read short stories and I don’t read horror, but the blurb sounded so good and I have wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone for a long time. I think this will be the perfect book to do just that and I’m excited to start it.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, see you soon, stay safe,

Ellie xx


  1. I’ve heard great things about The Thursday Murder Club. I saw that it was super popular in the UK! I am surprised I haven’t heard more about it here in the U.S.

    1. I’ve heard a lot about it too and so far it is very funny, and I’m very intrigued so really enjoying it!

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